- Cooper City High School
- School Mission and Beliefs
School Mission and Beliefs
Cooper City High School
Continuing "A" Tradition of Excellence.
Cooper City High School believes that all students should be provided with a safe
educational opportunity, so that they may fulfill their responsibilities
as productive citizens in our global society.BELIEFS
We, the Cooper City High School learning community, believe that education should:
Provide students with a diverse curriculum that fosters individual development.
Provide an environment conducive to the the development of thinking and learning skills.
Contribute to creating responsible citizens.
Facilitate life-long learning.
Facilitate a community partnership.
Provide a safe and secure environment for all students to develop socially and emotionally.
Promote a respect for diversity.
Evaluate, reflect and improve the focus of our mission and beliefs on a continual basis.
Red, Black and WhiteSCHOOL MASCOT
Oh, Cooper City High School
We Praise thee.
You have given Pride and Truth
To grow and prevail.
Voices now declare our spirit,
Brotherhood and Love,
Union of Red, Black and White, we hail!