
    Open House Letter to Parents and Guardians

    Thank you for completing the required Back to School Forms:  https://scaweb.browardschools.com/bts/. When finished, please be sure to complete the acknowledgment section and send it to the school to be collected by the personalization/study hall teacher. Please note that hard-copy forms were also distributed to students. Health consent forms are now a part of the Emergency Contact Card. This information must be completed for your student to be seen in the clinic by the nurse. The Emergency Contact Card will be the only form accepted as consent for students to receive care for illness/injury and/or specified health screenings during the school day. Students will be unable to receive care for illness/injury and/or specified health screenings in the clinic without the Health Services consent section of the Emergency Contact Card completed in its entirety.

    Join PTSA -  Our CCHS PTSA invites you to join: Parents / PTSA (browardschools.com).


     Open House