Applied Learning Department

  • (Updated January 6, 2025)

    Academic Electives, Specials, and Magnet Programs

    Applied Learning strives to provide students with opportunities in engaging activities that will generate interest, spark passion, increase the application of skills and knowledge, and facilitate a community of students who will graduate prepared to tackle the challenges of the world around them.  We do this through seven areas: Civic Engagement, Driver's Education, Music & Performing Arts, Physical Education, STEM & Computer Science, Visual Arts, and Magnet Programs.

    Applied Learning is Experiential Learning 

    Experiential learning is learning through doing. It encompasses critical thinking and reflection, student initiative and accountability, student engagement on intellectual, creative, social, emotional, and physical levels, and recognizes the ability to learn and grow from these experiences.

    The graphic below demonstrates student-centered learning which focuses on putting students’ well-being and interests at the center of their educational journey. Electives and Specials provide an environment that supports social-emotional learning while ensuring the retention of core skills through experiential learning. Encouraging social-emotional learning, strong core-content subject matter, and innovative electives acknowledge student voice to ensure a well-rounded educational experience.  

    Infographic showing the importance of SEL, Core Subjects and the Electives to the WHOLE student


  • Applied Learning's Five Year Plans

    The links below provide summaries for each Applied Learning program available to students throughout Broward County. We are working in conjunction with all schools to provide these learning opportunities to as many students as possible.

Contact Information

  • Applied Learning

    600 SE Third Avenue

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-1878

    Fax: --

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Susan M. Cantrick


  • Applied Learning Programs Civic Engagement Magnet Programs Music & Performing ArtsPhysical Ed, Health & Driver's Ed, STEM+Com

Open Houses