- Broward County Public Schools
- Overview
Human Resources Support Services
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Welcome to Broward County Public Schools’ Human Resources (HR) Support Services site. We have provided some important information for your use and perusal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. It is our pleasure to assist you. Thank you for visiting!
To Review an Employee Personnel File, please call (754) 321-0100 for an appointment.
Employment or Income Verification
Verification Requests
For All Broward County School Employees (current & previous) if you need Employment or Income Verification, HR Support Services can help. There are two ways to request a verification:
- For telephone verification only, call HR Support Services at 754-321-0100- To request a written employment and income verification report, contact Experian Verify at www.experianverify.com or call Customer Service toll-free at 1-866-312-8266
Employee Instructions Please visit www.experianverify.com to register and login to the Employee Portal. Enter the following information- 4AFE748D
- Full Social Security Number
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Work (Preferred) or Personal Email
- Address
For Verifiers Instructions would need the following information to complete an Employee Verification.
- Full Social Security Number
- Employee's First and Last Name
- Name of the Employer
- A signed authorization form (if requesting income)
- No company code or salary pin required. If there are questions, verifiers should contact our customer support center at 404-382-5400, option 2
* If sending via fax, please follow-up with a telephone call at 754-321-0100 to ensure your request was received.
Contact Information
Human Resources Support Services
7720 W. Oakland Park Blvd.
Sunrise, Florida 33351
Phone: --
Samantha Gordon