Civic Engagement

  • The Civic Engagement team supports students working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities through their use of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. The programs supporting these tenants are Debate K-12, Global Education, Mock Trial, CREST, and Scholastic Chess. 

  • Debate

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    The Broward County Debate Initiative is a partnership between local businesses and high school debate programs within Broward County. With sponsorship options ranging from individual tournament travel to full-year team assistance, your investment will help build résumés, teach valuable life skills, and ultimately change lives. Our Debate Initiative is the largest in the country and provides opportunities for competition locally, at the state and national level.  

  • Civically Relevant Experiences for Students and Teachers (CREST) Programs

    Civically Relevant Experiences for Students and Teachers (CREST) strives to provide engaging, hands-on experiences, outside of the classroom, that provides Broward Public Schools teachers and students with tools for meaningful engagement with the community. CREST programs provide opportunities to explore local industries and potential career paths, to engage in a safe space about community issues, and to collaborate on finding solutions to real-world problems.

  • Chess

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    Broward County Public Schools and Chess4Life have partnered to launch a new hands-on approach to chess. Our Chess Initiative affords all second grade students as well as all K-12 chess clubs with access to instruction and participation in a program that engages young minds and teaches critical and creative thinking skills.

  • Mock Trial Competition

    Open to both middle and high school students, Mock Trial is a unique academic program that teaches essential skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and the art of forming persuasive arguments. Mock trial is a vehicle for personal, intellectual, and professional growth which exposes students to the basics of law and is shown to have profound impacts on student performance and achievement across core subject areas. The Civic Engagement Team is proud to coordinate the annual Mock Trial State-Qualification Competition in partnership with the 17th Judicial Circuit of Florida.

  • Certificate of Global Citizenship

    Global Education Icon

    The Certificate of Global Citizenship recognizes advancing grade eight (8) students and graduating high school students who have attained a high level of global competency through academic investigation of global issues, exposure to global perspectives, communication of diverse ideas, and globally focused community service.

  • Upcoming Events

    Calendar Icon

    Debate Calendar 2024-2025

    After-School Tournament: Elementary School- (NEAST/SEAST)

    After-School Tournament: Middle School-(NMAST/SMAST)

    After-School TournamentHigh School-(AST)

  • Staff

    Staff Icon

    Erin Ryan - Curriculum Supervisor, 754-321-2643

    Trakina Ragin -Staff Assistant 754-321-1844

    Sarah Beauchamp - Instructional Facilitator, Civic Engagement 754-321-1844

    Kourtni Gober - Instructional Facilitator, Debate, 754-321-1844

    Janell McLeod - Instructional Facilitator, Debate, 754-321-1844

    Jacqueline Singletary - Instructional Facilitator, Debate, 754-321-1844

Contact Information

  • Applied Learning

    600 SE Third Avenue

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-1878

    Fax: --

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Susan Cantrick


Civic Engagement Staff

  • Erin Ryan
    Curriculum Supervisor 

    Dr. Trakina Ragin
    Staff Assistant   

    Sarah Beauchamp
    Instructional Facilitator   

    Dr. Kourtni Gober
    Instructional Facilitator 

    Janell McLeod
    Instructional Facilitator   

    Jacqueline Singletary
    Instructional Facilitator 


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