- Broward County Public Schools
- Home School Education
For the most expeditious response to home education questions and requests, send an email to home.education@browardschools.com.
Please do not send paper mail as we have been experiencing delays in postal deliveries. Email is the fastest and easiest way to contact our office. We also no longer have a fax line.
Please visit this website on a regular basis as we will continue to update information.
Home School Education

Home education is a non-public school option. By enrolling in home education, the parent is assuming all educational responsibilities regardless of the mechanism used to educate their child. In essence, the parent is becoming the teacher, guidance counselor, ESE specialist and principal of their home education school. Home Education is 100% parent-driven.
Please note that this responsibility includes the submission of an annual evaluation, all correspondence curriculum, books, or on-line curriculum (FLVS, BVED). The Home Education Office does not have access to any of the above third party educational records.
Home education is in lieu of attending a public, charter or private school. Home education students are not considered to be Broward County Public School students.
Upon deciding to establish and maintain a home education program for your child, you will be governed by Florida Statutes regarding compulsory school age attendance laws as they relate to home education.
Students with a prior pattern of public school non-attendance will be subject to monthly portfolio reviews.
This program does not provide books, curricula, materials, laptops or diplomas.
District offices are not permitted to issue high school diplomas to home-schooled students.
Know the Difference Between Broward Virtual School, FLVS, and Home Education
Understanding Virtual School (PDF)
Home Education Program
(Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)
New students:
Submit a Notice of Intent (PDF) to establish a home education program.
If your child is currently attending a Broward County Public School:
- Withdraw your student from school
- Submit a Notice of Intent (PDF) to establish a home education program.
If you have not previously attended a school in the District, and want to participate in a District School Service you will also need to submit:
- Submit a Notice of Intent (PDF) to
a home education programestablish - Proof of residency (driver's license)
- Birth certificate of the student
The notice of intent can be sent to us electronically at HOME.EDUCATION@BROWARDSCHOOLS.COM
(Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)
The parent/guardian enrolling a student in a Home Education Program must:
- Provide an Annual Evaluation (PDF) for each student, no later than each anniversary of his/her date of registration with the Home School Education program or upon termination, whichever date occurs first.
- Preserve each student’s portfolio for two years and make it available for inspection by the Superintendent’s designee, with a written notice.
- Maintain a portfolio of records and materials including a daily log of educational activities (title/author of reading materials) and samples of student work products (e.g., worksheets, writing samples) for all subjects.
- Annual evaluations can be mailed or emailed to our office.
For your convenience, below is a list of evaluators that have indicated their interest in completing annual evaluations for Broward Home Education Students. If you are an evaluator and would like to be on this list, please provide a copy of your Florida Teaching Certificate to our office.
List of Home Education Evaluators
Per State Statute, 1002.41, annual evaluations shall comply with one of the following 5 options:
- A Florida certified teacher (valid regular teaching certificate) chosen by the parent/guardian shall evaluate the child’s educational progress based on a review of the portfolio and discussion with the student; OR
- The student shall take a nationally-normed achievement test administered by a certified teacher; OR
- The student may take a state student assessment test used by the school district and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district. OR
- The student shall be evaluated by an individual holding a valid, active license pursuant to the provisions of s. 490.003(7) or (8); OR
- The student shall be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool mutually agreed upon by the school district and the student’s parent
If your child is working in FLVS FLEX, you may send in the FLVS transcript as the annual evaluation as long as the student completed a total of 4 courses (segment 1 and 2 for each course) during the previous academic year.
The Home Education Office does not have access to any third-party educational records.
This includes all virtual correspondence curriculum, books, or curriculum (FLVS, BVED). -
Our office does NOT process testing requests for PEP Scholarship Recipients. Please contact the District Assessment Office at 754-321-2500 for more information if needed.
1) The registration window for SPRING 2025 EOC/FAST assessments is now OPEN.
The registration deadline for BEST Writing is 2/7/25. The registration deadline for all other exams is 3/14/25. Testing will occur in person at the sites listed below.
HIGH: MCARTHUR HIGHTo register for SPRING 2025 EOC/FAST exams, click the registration link below.
https://bcps.browardschools.com/research/ss/eocExamReg.asp2) The registration window to take AP exams for second semester enrollments only is now open.
Students taking AP courses through FLVS FLEX will need to obtain the "Join Code Request Form" from FLVS and forward it to home.education@browardschools.com for home school verification. Once it is returned to the student, the student will need to forward the form to the AP Coordinator at the boundaried school to receive the Join Code(s). The student will then need to log into their College Board account and input the join code no later than 3/14/25 so that the exam is ordered.
Students taking AP courses through a curriculum provider other than FLVS will need to contact the home education office at home.education@browardschools.com for further instructions.
The second semester registration window for AP 2025 testing will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Testing will occur in May -
(Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)
We are currently signing dual enrollment forms for the fall and spring term.
Broward College
- Broward College now has an electronic application. Please visit their website to submit the dual enrollment form. Be sure to click on the Home Education tab.
- Broward College has set up an email for questions. The email is dual@broward.edu.
Florida Atlantic University
- FAU Dual Enrollment registration (external Link )
- Submit the Non-Public School Form (Only submit Statement of Legal Compliance to the Home Education Office)
Florida International University
- Submit a request for a verification letter
Broward Technical Colleges
- Broward Technical College Application
- Home Education Verification Form - BTC
- Atlantic Technical College Orientation Schedule
- Technical Programs
correspondence with the BCPS Home School Education Office:
If you mail the form, include a self-addressed postage-paid envelope.
Electronic submissions can be sent HOME.EDUCATION@BROWARDSCHOOLS.COM
The form will only be signed if your child will be in compliance with an annual evaluation at the time that the semester starts.
To participate, complete an application and submit directly to Bright Futures (external link). There are time sensitive deadlines to follow. An account must be created by the parent.
Community service hours should be submitted to the Home Education Office on the service provider's letterhead.
- Florida Academic Scholars (FAS) requires 100 hours.
- Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS) requires 75 hours.
(Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)
For any secondary student to be eligible to participate in Florida interscholastic music activities such as FSMA sanctioned Music Performance Assessments (MPAs) they must be enrolled/registered at a public school, private school, public charter school, home education music cooperative, or virtual school that is a member of FSMA. In addition, the student must be a regularly participating member in the appropriate middle school or high school performing ensemble (band, chorus, orchestra, or guitar ensemble) from that FSMA member school.
A home-education student must either be a regularly participating member in an ensemble listed above or enrolled/registered at a home education music cooperative. In addition, the student must be a regular participating member of an ensemble equivalent to the above in the music cooperative. Home education students must be sponsored by their Active FMEA/Component member teacher from that home education music cooperative.
- Music Form: Verification for Home Education (external link)
- Complete Section A, and send this form to the home education office.
To participate in a school athletics organization, Home School Education students must complete the Home Education Registration Verification "EL7" form (external link) and send it to the Home School Education office
For Home School Verification (HSV) prior to participating in an extracurricular activity at the boundaried school, please complete the HSV form and send it to the Home School Education office.
Schools/programs may require an original form.
For correspondence with the BCPS Home School Education Office:
If you mail the form, include a self-addressed postage-paid envelope.
Electronic submissions can be sent HOME.EDUCATION@BROWARDSCHOOLS.COM
The form will only be signed if your child will be in compliance with an annual evaluation at the time that the sport/music session starts.
Requests are processed in the order they are received.
(Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)
A Notice of Termination (PDF) is required within 30 days of completion or termination of a home education program.
Please note that as of July 1, 2018, Florida Statute requires that you submit an annual evaluation with the notice of termination.
You will receive an automated confirmation.
Requests are processed in the order they are received.
(Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)
If you would like to volunteer to be on the Portfolio Review Committee, please submit the form.
The form can be sent to us electronically
Please visit the sections for each of these categories for more information.
Additional forms
Broward College - dual enrollment (external source)
DMV Reinstatement (external source)
FAU- dual enrollment (external source)
Music Form Verification for Home Education Students (external source)
Sports EL7 Form for Home Education Students (external source)
Contact Information
Home School Education
610 NE 13th Ave
Pompano Beach, Florida 33060
Phone: --
Deanna Greist, EdS
Home School Education Coordinator
Helpful Links
- American College Testing (ACT) – College Readiness Assessment
- Bright Futures
- Broward County Public Schools – School Choice
- Broward County Technical Colleges
- Broward Virtual
- CPALMS – State of Florida’s Official Source for Standards and Course Descriptions
- CTACE (Career, Technical, Adult, Community Education)
- DMV Form for Reinstatement of Driving Privilege/Eligibility for Licensure
- Florida Department of Education - Graduation requirements
- Florida Department of Education Course Descriptions (K-12)
- Florida Parent Educators Association (FPEA)
- GED Information
- How to Create a Transcript
- Mental Health & Wellness Portal
- NCAA Eligibility
- Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) College Board