- Broward County Public Schools
- Professional Learning Communities
- Roles and Responsibilities
Professional Learning Standards & Support
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Professional Learning Roles and Responsibilities
Quality professional learning requires the collective effort of all stakeholders who serve in different roles.
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Uses data to determine needs and to choose which professional learning will meet those needs, as in the stated intended outcomes
- Actively participates in the selected professional learning
- Attends all sessions for the full duration of the course from start to end time.
- When necessary, cancels registration within 24 hours of the start of the activity or notifies provider if an emergency prevents attendance
- Is prepared to provide proof of registration confirmation
- Completes all requirements of any professional learning activity in which he/she participates
- Implements learning as intended, provides required documentation and seeks assistance until mastery is reached
- Evaluates the effectiveness of the professional learning on his/her practice and provides feedback through the activity appraisals
- Verifies Professional Learning Transcript is accurate at least annually.
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Supports time and opportunity for staff to collaborate through authentic PLCs and other PL opportunities
- Provides for a PL/Leadership team to plan and evaluate PL for the school/department
- Monitors and records progress of participants’ implementation of new practices and knowledge on the job
- Provides feedback to participants through observation and conversation
- Provides feedback to providers on the implementation of professional learning and effectiveness towards reaching targets
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Analyzes PL needs of school/department staff
- Uses data to formulate targets for improvement for the entire school or department
- Plans all PL (SIP for schools)
- Organizes staff into PLCs based on data and individual needs
- Monitors the implementation of all PL
- Organizes resources, support systems for PL
- Evaluates the effectiveness of the PL provided and the overall PL Plan
- Provides feedback to providers on the effectiveness of any professional learning towards reaching targets of school/department
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Serves on the PL Team
- Serves as liaison between PDSS (Professional Development Services and Support) and school’s PL Team
- Compiles professional learning data as part of the PL Team
- Provides feedback to providers on the effectiveness of all professional learning
- Maintains all PL documentation (sign-in sheets, implementation documents, etc.)
- Closes, by May 15 of each year, all PLCs/Activities to ensure that those who complete all requirements earn appropriate Inservice credit
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Ensures meetings are held according to guidelines of authentic PLCs
- Facilitates organization of PLC meetings, based on established guidelines
- Manages minutes documenting progress of PLC
- Assists the Inservice Facilitator with closeout of PLCs
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Serves as the lead of a project or program that involves professional learning
- Participates regularly in PDCC meetings
- Creates or coordinates an innovation configuration or master plan
- Monitors the implementation of an innovation configuration or master plan
- Ensures the data collection plan of the innovation configuration or master plan is followed
- Monitors the movement towards the Desired Outcomes documented in the approved MP/IC and makes adjustments as needed.
- Coordinates the evaluation of the program(s) described in the innovation configuration or master plan
- Coordinates the creation of professional learning aligned to specific desired outcomes of an innovation configuration or master plan
- Monitors the implementation of all professional learning provided to ensure it is applied as intended
- Evaluates the effectiveness of the professional learning provided to measure the degree to which intended outcomes were reached
- Makes adjustments to professional learning as needed, based on data
- Selects instructors of professional learning that have demonstrated content competency and the ability to facilitate adults in a learning environment
- Orients instructors to their roles and responsibilities
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Provides professional learning that follows the design of the activity as written
- Maintains accurate records of attendance and completion of all required assignments
- Differentiates delivery of learning based on actual participant needs
- Records mastery of the activity based on the formative or summative assessments outlined in the activity
- Collaborates with PL Provider on gaps in participant mastery to inform adjustments to the activity
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Verifies all participants completed the appraisals
- Informs PL Provider of participants who do not complete appraisals
- Cancels participants from activity
- Closes all professional learning activities on the completion date to ensure accurate assignment of any applicable inservice credit. Keeps all original rosters for a period of five years
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Assists individuals with determining PL or resource needs
- Monitors individual’s implementation of professional learning until mastery Serves on PL Team
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Provides content specific or pedagogical knowledge in the design of a professional learning activity
- Designs or works with a designer to design professional learning to be delivered via face-to-face, blended or on-line experiences
- Ensures PL provided meets standards for quality professional learning
- Evaluates resources to support PL
- Aligns PL to an IC or MP to support movement toward desired outcomes
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Obtains funding for professional learning initiatives
- Ensures grants which include professional learning adhere to the rules of the PL System and standards for quality PL
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Develops a comprehensive plan to collect, analyze and evaluate PL Programs, PL activities associated with Programs and the overall quality of the PL System
- Collaborates with PL Providers in a formal feedback process to measure content mastery and changes in pedagogical practices as a result of professional learning
- Monitors instructional personnel to ensure 5-year renewal requirements for teaching certificate are met.
- Understands and promotes all rules and guidelines of the PL System and standards for professional learning.
- Created and monitors the redesigned PL System
- Monitors implementation of the redesigned PL System and change processes involved
- Proposes timetables for transition from current policies and rules to new, more effective ones that meet rising expectations for professional learning
- Provides presentations to all stakeholders to increase awareness of PL System
- Facilitates PL/Information sessions to stakeholders about fulfilling roles and responsibilities with fidelity
- Recommends responsibility for implementing the new policies and rules throughout the workforce.
- Creates culture of ownership of professional learning for all stakeholders
- Ensures all professional learning adheres to the guidelines and rules set forth in the PL System
- Coordinates the PD Redesign Committee
- Distributes responsibility for implementing the PL System throughout the workforce
- Prepares School System/PL Providers to successfully fulfill their role in the PL System
- Tabulates and distributes Professional Learning data to PL Providers as part of implementation and evaluation of professional learning
- Provides, to Schools/Departments, support for authentic PLC implementation
- Manages documentation of PL through the Broward MyLearningPlan management system
- Manages instructional and school-based employee evaluation systems
- Revises Master Inservice Plan annually: obtains Board approval, submits to the State, publishes, and distributes to stakeholders
- Manages assignment of Inservice points and individual professional learning records
Contact Information
Professional Learning Standards & Support
3531 Davie Road
Davie, Florida 33314
Phone: --
Michael Walker