Employee Performance Appraisal

  • (Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)

    It is mandatory that supervisors complete an annual evaluation for every permanent employee utilizing the appropriate evaluation instrument. The evaluation is retained at the HR Support Services Department in District Official Employee Personnel File.

    Key points to remember:

    • All evaluations must be signed by the employee (or witness) and the supervisor.
    • In lieu of a signed evaluation, an original certified document and return receipt must be submitted with an unsigned evaluation.
    • Complete the evaluation instrument by typing the information or by using a black or blue pen only. Do not use pencil or colored ink.
    • The employee must be given a copy of the signed evaluation.

    For additional information on the procedures and timelines for submitting completed evaluation, and different evaluation instruments, please visit the Employee Evaluations website.

    If you would like more information or have any questions, please send an email to HRSupportServices@browardschools.com or call (754) 321-0100.

Contact Information

  • Human Resources Support Services

    7720 W. Oakland Park Blvd.

    Sunrise, Florida 33351

    Phone: 754-321-0100

    Fax: 754-321-0900

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Samantha Gordon
