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ESOL - General Information

  • ESOL Training Requirements

    ESOL training requirements are dictated by the ESOL Training Category your teaching assignment places you in. Note that if you are teaching several subject areas, your category defaults to the ESOL Training Category that requires the more stringent training requirement.

    Please review the list below to determine which training category you are in. Use the links to learn more about ESOL Training Category requirements and deadlines. 

    NOTE:  If you feel you completed college courses that are applicable toward your ESOL training requirement, please submit a Request for College Course Evaluation with a scanned copy of your transcripts reflecting the courses in question and a course description from the university for each of the courses in question.  Please submit as an email attachment to:  certificationrequests@browardschools.com  with the subject line "Review of Courses for ESOL".


       ESOL Training Categories
      • Category I: Assigned to teach Elementary Education (e.g. assigned to teach all subjects to include language arts) as a classroom teacher, Reading, and/or English/Language Arts
      • Category II: Assigned to teach Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and/or Computer Literacy
      • Category III: Assigned to teach a subject not covered in Category I or II
      • Category IV: Assigned as a Guidance Counselor or School Administrator