- Broward County Public Schools
- Certification
- All Other Out-of-Field Subjects
All Other Out-of-Field Subjects
If you have been identified as teaching out-of-field (in a subject area other than ASD, ESOL, Gifted, Orientation and Mobility, Prek Disabilities, Reading, Severe or Profound Disabilities, or World Language) you are mandated to satisfy out-of-field training requirements through one of the following methods:
- completion of six semester hours of college coursework in the subject area
- NOTE: Completion of six semester hours of college credit will serve only to meet state-mandated training for the current school year; you will be required to again satisfy out-of-field training during subsequent school years. Only passing the subject area exam OR submission of an approved infield rubric (where applicable) will completely close the out-of-field record for the subject area.
- passing the subject area exam
- documenting 100 points through the Infield Status Rubric
One of the above methods must be completed prior to the end of April in the school year in which you were placed out-of-field. You must continue to complete out-of-field training each school year or until you have obtained certification in the out-of-field subject, have passed the subject area exam, or have documented infield status via the rubric (where applicable). Note that failure to comply will impact your future placement/assignments up to including non-renewal of your contract.
Your out-of-field record will remain open until you have added the out-of-field subject to your certificate, have passed the subject area exam, or have documented infield status via the rubric (where applicable). Parent notification will be required to be sent home to the parents of the affected students. If you obtain the certificate reflecting the out-of-field subject area (for those that pass the subject area exam and add the subject to their certificate), be sure to notify certificationrequests@browardschools.com so your out-of-field record can be closed. Note: no money is saved by waiting to add a certification area to your certificate when you submit your application for renewal and/or your initial professional certificate. You are urged to apply immediately for the addition once you have met and can document the subject area requirements.
REQUIREMENTS TO ADD THE SUBJECT AREA (for all bachelor-level areas):
Pass the subject area exam and add the subject to your certificate. Information and registration for subject area exams is found at the Florida Teacher Certification Exams web site.
Once you have passed the subject area exam you will need to submit an application and fee to the Florida Department of Education and fee (paid through the district) for the addition. For complete steps on submitting the addition application and fee go to Talent Acquisition and Operations, Instructional (click on "Florida Certificate Additions).
Board Policy 4003.4 establishes the infield designation option for teachers out-of-field in bachelor-level subject areas (excludes Athletic Coaching, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Driver Education, ESOL, Orientation and Mobility, Prek Disabilities, Severe and Profound Disabilities, Reading, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, and Speech-Language Impaired) who hold a valid certificate from the FL Department of Education.
Teachers may use the Infield Status Rubric to document experience and training in a subject area other than those excluded. A minimum of 100 points must be achieved with documented experience and a classroom observation rating of effective or higher required. Additional points may be obtained in professional development (district in-service) and college coursework in the subject area. Do not fill in the points awarded on the rubric - when you rubric is received and evaluated, points will be notated on the form.
It is strongly recommended that you submit the documentation as early as possible in the event you are asked to make modifications or in the event you are not approved. If approval is not granted, you will need to comply with mandated training using another option.
Click on here for the requirements and information regarding establishing subject area competence in each subject. Note that any documentation requested should be submitted to the contact person/department indicated.
- completion of six semester hours of college coursework in the subject area
Subject Areas
Art K-12
K-5 Level
- Produce a portfolio of work relating to personal experience in an artistic medium (10 works)
- Produce a portfolio of student work relating to multiple taught art mediums (10 works)
- Create 2 standards-based lesson plans for a two-dimensional medium and a three-dimensional medium demonstrating the knowledge of materials, tools, processes and visual characteristics for a primary grade group. Include an area of art history and art criticism in the lesson.
(Each lesson should include an assessment rubric. Include additional Florida Standards and ESOL, ESE, SEL strategies.)
6-12 Level
- Produce a portfolio of work relating to personal experience in an artistic medium (10 works)
- Produce a portfolio of student work relating to multiple taught art mediums (10 works)
- Create 3 standards-based lesson plans for a two-dimensional medium, a three-dimensional medium, and a digital medium demonstrating the knowledge of materials, tools, processes and visual characteristics for a secondary grade group. Include an area of art history and art criticism in the lesson.
(Each lesson should include an assessment rubric. Include additional Florida Standards and ESOL, ESE, SEL strategies.)
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to Susan Cantrick, Director of Applied Learning at: appliedlearninginfield@browardschools.com
Biology 6-12
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of Biology, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to JP Keener, Secondary Learning at: JP.Keener@browardschools.com
Business Education 6-12
Produce evidence of industry certification attainment of one of the following:
ADOBE023-Adobe Certified Professional in Video Design
ADOBE024-Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design
ADOBE025-Adobe Certified Professional in Web Design
INTUT001-Quickbooks Certified User
MICRO017-Microsoft Office Specialist: Microsoft Office 2016 Master Specialist
MICRO105-MTA Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS
MICRO112-MTA Introduction to Programming Using Python
MICRO076-MTA Windows OS Fundamentals
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to James Payne, Director (Task Assigned) CTACE at: james.payne@browardschools.com
Chemistry 6-12
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of Chemistry, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to JP Keener, Secondary Learning at: JP.Keener@browardschools.com
Computer Science K-12
Complete Two (2) of the Nine (9) Computational Thinking Microcredentials offered by Digital Promise - one (1) in computational thinking pedagogy and one (1) in computational thinking practices.
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to Susan Cantrick, Director of Applied Learning at: appliedlearninginfield@browardschools.come.
Drama 6-12
K-5 Level
Produce a portfolio related to work done with students in theater performance and/or theater arts education (at least three examples).
Create a standards-based lesson plan for each of the following course subjects: (total of 3)
Elementary Theater K-2; Elementary Theater 3-5; Acting.
For each lesson identify and utilize fundamentals of theater arts education, specific and appropriate theater standards taught as well as additional Florida Standards used. Lessons must also include ESE and ESOL strategies.
Provide evidence of knowledge of Performance Assessments to include:
- Aspects of a quality individual and group performance
- Methods for correcting inaccuracies in individual performances or group performance
- Techniques to measure and assess student progress
Produce a program management plan detailing fundamental operational management of a school theater program including ethics, copyright and after hours and/or off campus activities.
6-12 Level
Produce a portfolio of work related to work experience in the area of theater arts (at least three examples) OR produce a portfolio of work related to instruction done with students in theater performance and/or theater arts education (at least three examples).
Create five (5) standards-based lesson plans. One from each of the following course subjects:
Acting 6-8 or 9-12; Technical Theater Design and Production 6-8 or 9-12; Musical Theater 6-8 or 9-12; Theater 9-12; Theater History and Literature 9-12; For each lesson identify and utilize fundamentals of theater arts education, specific and appropriate theater standards taught, and additional Florida Standards used. Lessons must also include ESE and ESOL strategies.
Provide evidence of knowledge of Performance Assessments to include:
- Aspects of a quality individual and group performance
- Methods for correcting inaccuracies in individual performances or group performance
- Techniques to measure and assess student progress
Produce a program management plan detailing fundamental operational management of a school theater program including ethics, copyright and after- hours and/or off campus activities.
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to Susan Cantrick, Director of Applied Learning at: appliedlearninginfield@browardschools.com
Earth-Space Science 6-12
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of Earth Space Science, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to JP Keener, Secondary Learning at: JP.Keener@browardschools.com
Engineering and Technology Education 6-12
Produce evidence of industry certification attainment of one of the following:
ADOBE023-Adobe Certified Professional in Video Design
ADESK032-ACU Fusion 360
HBINS004 - HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Training, CORE
HBINS003 - HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Training, CARPENTRY
USINS001 - Small UAS (sUAS) Safety Certification: Level 1
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to James Payne, Director (Task Assigned) CTACE at: james.payne@browardschools.com
English 6-12
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of 6-12 ELA, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Debate teachers will adhere to the English 6-12 requirements, as that is the certification required to teach Debate classes. But debate teachers will utilize lesson plans that relate to Public Speaking, Debate, or a related subject that incorporate student inquiry and alignment to ELA Speaking & Listening standards.
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to David Shelley, Curriculum Supervisor of Secondary ELA & Literacy at david.shelley@browardschools.com
Family and Consumer Science 6-12
Produce evidence of industry certification attainment of one of the following:
ADOBE023-Adobe Certified Professional in Video Design
ADOBE024-Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design
ADOBE025-Adobe Certified Professional in Web Design
MICRO017-Microsoft Office Specialist: Microsoft Office 2016 Master Specialist
NRAEF003- Certified Food Protection Manager (ServSafe®)
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to James Payne, Director (Task Assigned) CTACE at: james.payne@browardschools.com
Health K-12
Two Health lesson plans aligned to state standards for the targeted age group from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments.
Certification in First Aid and CPR is required.
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to Susan Cantrick, Director of Applied Learning at: appliedlearninginfield@browardschools.com
Marketing 6-12
Produce evidence of industry certification attainment of one of the following:
ADOBE023-Adobe Certified Professional in Video Design
ADOBE024-Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design
ADOBE025-Adobe Certified Professional in Web Design
INTUT001-Quickbooks Certified User
MICRO017-Microsoft Office Specialist: Microsoft Office 2016 Master Specialist
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to James Payne, Director (Task Assigned) CTACE at: james.payne@browardschools.com
Math 6-12
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of 6-12 Mathematics, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to Ann-Marie Evans, Instructional Specialist with Secondary Learning at: ann-marie.evans@browardschools.com
Middle Grades English 5-9
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of 5-9 ELA, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to David Shelley, Curriculum Supervisor of Secondary ELA & Literacy at david.shelley@browardschools.com
Middle Grades General Science 5-9
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of Earth/Life/Physical Science, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to JP Keener, Secondary Learning at: JP.Keener@browardschools.com
Middle Grades Math 5-9
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of 5-9 Mathematics, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to Ann-Marie Evans, Instructional Specialist with Secondary Learning at: ann-marie.evans@browardschools.com
Middle Grades Social Science 5-9
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of Social Studies, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Guide for completion of Social Science lesson plan.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to Nicole Marsala, Curriculum Supervisor of Secondary Learning at: nicole.marsala@browardschools.com
Music K-12
K-5 Level
Produce a portfolio of work related to work experience in the area of music performance (at least three examples) OR produce a portfolio of work related to instruction done with students in music performance and/or music education (at least three examples).
Create a standards-based lesson plan for each of the following course subjects: (Total of 3)
Elementary General Music K-2; Elementary General Music 3-5; Elementary Vocal Music. For each lesson identify and utilize fundamentals of music education, specific and appropriate music standards taught as well as additional Florida Standards used. Lessons must also include ESE and ESOL strategies.
Provide evidence of knowledge of Performance Assessments to include:
- Aspects of a quality individual and group performance
- Methods for correcting inaccuracies in individual or group performance
- Techniques to measure and assess student progress
Produce a program management plan detailing fundamental operational management of a school music program including inventory, ethics, copyright and after hours or off campus activities.
6-12 Level
Produce a portfolio of work related to work experience in the area of music performance (at least three examples) OR produce a portfolio of work related to instruction done with students in music performance and/or music education (at least three examples).
Create a standards-based lesson plan for each of the following subjects and levels:
Band 6-8 or 9-12; Chorus 6-8 or 9-12; Orchestra 6-8 or 9-12
Create a standards-based lesson plan for one (1) of the following subjects:
Guitar, Keyboard or Music Technology 6-12.
For each lesson identify and utilize fundamentals of music education, specific and appropriate music standards taught as well as additional Florida Standards used. Lessons must also include ESE and ESOL strategies.
Provide evidence of knowledge of Performance Assessments to include:
- Aspects of a quality individual and group performance
- Methods for correcting inaccuracies in individual or group performance
- Techniques to measure and assess student progress
Produce a program management plan detailing fundamental operational management of a school music program including inventory, ethics, copyright and after hours or off campus activities.
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to Susan Cantrick, Director of Applied Learning at: appliedlearninginfield@browardschools.com
Physical Education K-12
Two Physical Education lesson plans aligned to state standards for the targeted age group from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments.
Certification in First Aid and CPR is required.
Submit the Infield Status Rubric with all requested documentation to Susan Cantrick, Director of Applied Learning at: appliedlearninginfield@browardschools.com
Physics 6-12
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of Physics, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to JP Keener, Secondary Learning at: JP.Keener@browardschools.com
Prek/Primary Age 3 - Grade 3
Four lesson Plans (Social Studies, Science, Math, Language/Literacy) demonstrating developmentally appropriate practices for targeted age group and including integrated approaches, alignment to standards, and connected differentiated student activities.
- Lesson plan activities must be aligned to the Florida PreKindergarten standards.
- Your submissions must include all criteria on the lesson plan template.
- Your submissions must be an original submission developed by you.
- You may not submit an exemplar lesson plan created by the district or an adopted materials vendor (i.e., Go Math, STEMscopes, etc.).
You may not submit a lesson plan that another colleague has written and/or submitted or that was created by or for a College/University.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to Ivette Gonzalez, Curriculum Supervisor of Head Start/Early Intervention at ivette.gonzalez@browardschools.com or Elizabeth Glaid, Specialist of Head Start/Early Intervention at liz.glaid@browardschools.com
Preschool Education Birth - Age 4
Four lesson Plans (Social Studies, Science, Math, Language/Literacy) demonstrating developmentally appropriate practices for targeted age group and including integrated approaches, alignment to standards, and connected differentiated student activities.
- Lesson plan activities must be aligned to the Florida PreKindergarten standards.
- Your submissions must include all criteria on the lesson plan template.
- Your submissions must be an original submission developed by you.
- You may not submit an exemplar lesson plan created by the district or an adopted materials vendor (i.e., Go Math, STEMscopes, etc.).
You may not submit a lesson plan that another colleague has written and/or submitted or that was created by or for a College/University.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to Ivette Gonzalez, Curriculum Supervisor of Head Start/Early Intervention at ivette.gonzalez@browardschools.com or Elizabeth Glaid, Specialist of Head Start/Early Intervention at liz.glaid@browardschools.com
Social Science 6-12
Two implemented lesson plans in the area of Social Studies, from the most recent year teaching, that incorporate student inquiry, alignment to standards, scaffolding, and appropriate formative assessments. Student work as well as teacher feedback of that work aligned to the lesson plans is required.
Guide for completion of Social Science lesson plan.
Submit attached to an Infield Status Rubric to Nicole Marsala, Curriculum Supervisor of Secondary Learning at: nicole.marsala@browardschools.com