
  • The Innovative Learning Department is an integral part of Broward County Public Schools' Learning Division within the Office of Academics, focusing on supporting and implementing innovations in teaching and learning to assist BCPS students, teachers, and administrators with transitioning to personalized learning environments. There are several units within the department: Instructional and Digital Materials, Instructional Technology, Distance Learning, and Library/Media.

    Our Mission

    Innovative Learning is committed to empowering all learners to achieve their highest potential through customized learning, creativity, collaboration, and the infusion of digital tools and resources.

    Our Vision

    Through this emphasis on innovation and personalization, we see our vision coming to life: sparking creative ideas one learner at a time.

T.I.E.S Talk

  • Innovative Learning, in collaboration with Google, organized a comprehensive live Teams event to explore the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence. This session addressed crucial topics such as digital citizenship and literacy, providing essential knowledge and tools to navigate the digital landscape of AI effectively. 

    Click the following link to access the recording of the T.I.E.S.: “Navigating AI Responsibly: A Live Teams Event by Innovative Learning and Google live event. 

Contact Information

  • Innovative Learning

    600 SE Third Avenue

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-2620

    Fax: 754-321-2766

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Dr. Sherri N. Wilson
