APs (Advanced Placement)

  • The 2021 Advanced Placement (AP) exam schedule provides three exam administration dates for each subject between early May and mid-June.

    Administration 1: May 3-7, 10-12,14,17

    All exams are full-length paper and pencil, administered in school.


    Administration 2: May 18-21, 24-28

    Half of the subjects are full-length paper and pencil, administered in school, and half are full-length digital, administered in school or taken at home.


    Administration 3: June 1-4, 7-11

    Most subjects are full-length digital, administered in school or taken at home; nine subjects remain full-length paper and pencil, administered in school.

    All versions of the AP Exams in all subjects will be full length and cover the course’s full scope of content required for college credit. This schedule will maximize opportunities for AP students in a variety of different situations to test and earn college credit and placement.

    Schools are currently in the process of scheduling exams for AP students. The District will provide transportation and food services for eligible students who take AP exams at their school.

    The complete schedule of exams can be found at:


    Students can access several free resources to prepare for the exam:

    AP Daily Videos (must be signed into their AP Classroom account):



    AP YouTube Videos:



    Attend Broward County Schools Advanced Academics review sessions on April 10th. Register at:



    Please contact Bob McKinney, Advanced Academics Coordinator if you have any questions: mailto:bob.mckinney@browardschools.com