• Florida VPK

  • To apply for the Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) VPK program for the 2025-2026 school year (next school year)

    Apply Now Button

    To apply for the Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) VPK program for the 2024-2025 school year (this school year)

     Apply Now Button

VPK Additional Information

  • Student Selection

    Due to the high demand, Federal, State and District requirements, a selection process must occur in order to ensure equity for selection in our Pre-K classes.  Students are selected for enrollment in one of two ways:

    • VPK/Enrichment (Title I Supported) Selection Process – This process is used to select Broward residents that are applying for the full day, free VPK/Enrichment class supported by State-funded VPK and Federally-funded Title I. It involves using multiple, education-related, objective criteria for selection of students. Students are selected based upon academic need using the information you provide through the BCPS – VPK Parent Portal online application AND the BRIGANCE developmental screening tool, administered by a teacher. Priority is given to students living within the school’s attendance boundary.
    • VPK/Enrichment (Tuition Supported) Process – This process is used to select students that are applying for the full or half-day, VPK/Enrichment (Tuition Supported) classes offered at selected BCPS schools. There are limited seats for parents interested in a free, 3-hour, VPK-only class and seats for families interested in a full day, VPK/Enrichment tuition supported program. Students are selected based upon District priority and random selection. Priority is given to students living within the school’s attendance boundary.

     For more information, please contact the Early Childhood Education Department, VPK Office at 754-321-1961. 

    Division of Early Learning (DEL) VPK Parent Pages


  • Important Information about Entering Kindergarten after Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK)
    Selection for a Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) program at a school does not guarantee placement for Kindergarten at the same school. If your child is selected or offered a seat in a Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) class that is not your boundary school, you must apply for and receive a reassignment in order for your child to attend Kindergarten at the same school. To learn about the reassignment process, please visit the School Choice website.

Contact Information

  • Early Childhood Education

    600 SE 3rd Ave

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-1961

    Fax: --

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Sharonda Bailey


  • Click below to email VPK

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