- Broward County Public Schools
- Transition Services
Exceptional Student Education
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Staff Directory
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
- Broward ESE Advisory Council
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services
- Dispute Resolution and Compliance Services
- Emotional/Behavioral Disability (E/BD) Services
- ESE Counseling
- Extended School Year (ESY) Services
- Florida Diagnostic Learning Resources System (FDLRS)
- Family Empowerment Scholarship - Unique Abilities (FES UA)
- Gifted & Talented
- Hospital Homebound Services
- Intellectual Disability Services
- Preschool ESE
- Parentally Placed Private School Student
- Psychological Services
- Related Services
- Resources for Caregivers
- School Medicaid Program
- Section 504
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Transition Services
- Visually Impaired
Transition Services
Transition is movement or change for a student, without interruption, to future adult settings upon exit from high school. The Transition IEP (TIEP) meeting includes the student, family, school staff, agency staff, and others identified by the TIEP team. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) emphasizes the importance of involving students in meaningful ways in this process. Transition planning occurs over time beginning at age 14 and continuing through age 21.
Transition Services Options
Transition services are a coordinated set of activities that assist students in preparing for post- secondary school adult settings and life such as:
- Self-Determination – self-advocacy, goal setting, decision making and participation in TIEP meetings.
- Continuing and Adult Education - pursuit of personal interests, job skills training and job placement.
- Post-secondary education – college and university options
- Vocational Training - trade or technical college, on-the-job training programs, apprenticeships, job shadowing, job sampling.
- Integrated Employment – including supported employment.
- Adult Services (from various agencies) - supervised settings for work, training and learning for adults.
- Independent Living – includes training in handling money, financial literacy, independent community functioning, travel training, shopping for necessities, and managing free time.
- Community Participation - volunteering, recreation and leisure activities, transportation.
Services for Students 18 Through 21 years old
The District provides transition services to students with disabilities who have not graduated with a standard high school diploma or who have deferred receiving their standard high school diploma in order to access additional transition services.
For additional information, please contact the ESE Department at your child’s school or contact the District Exceptional Student Learning Support Office at (754) 321-3400.
For information on Transition Deferment Options, click here.
For information on Vocational Rehabilitation, click here.
Contact Information
Exceptional Student Education Division at Arthur Ashe Campus
1701 NW 23rd Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33311
Phone: --
Stacy Wolfe
Sabrina Sheib
Director, ESE Curriculum
Diane Eagan
Executive Director