• BCPS Recycling

    Recycling in Broward County Public School is under the Environmental Conservation & Utility Management Department's purview. 


    "The Environmental Conservation & Utility Management Office exists to facilitate increased awareness and efficient use of energy and other natural resources. The main mission of the Environmental Conservation & Utility Management Department is to enhance environmental stewardship, contribute to the District's efforts to reduce inefficiencies in the use of energy resources such as electricity and natural gas. In addition, it is our mission to further reduce water consumption and the production of solid waste, while increasing the comfort level of classrooms and schools."

    2022 Districtwide Recycling Program

  • Environmental Links

    Environmental links:

    Naturescape Broward Broward County NatureScape - https://www.broward.org/NatureScape/Pages/Default.aspx NatureScapes are Florida-friendly landscapes that provide habitat for native and migratory wildlife, conserve water and minimize the use of common pollutants such as fertilizers and pesticides. These "islands of green" link together to make a chain of healthy corridors in our urban environment. Residents, business owners, schools and communities of all types can create their own "island of green." Explore this site for simple and practical advice.​

    Broward County Public School's Environmental Conservation & Utility Management Office - The main mission is to enhance environmental stewardship and contribute to the District's efforts to reduce inefficiencies in the use of energy resources such as electricity and natural gas. In addition, it is our mission to further reduce water consumption and the production of solid waste, while increasing the comfort level of classrooms and schools. https://www.browardschools.com/Page/40798 

    Broward County Parks - STEAM/Environmental Education Programs - STEAM in Parks and Schools in Parks - https://www.broward.org/Parks/Pages/STEAMinParks.aspx 

    A Billion Acts of Green Challenge - https://www.earthday.org/take-action-now/#challenge   Change starts with action. Better yet, an action that affects the world around you. A Billion Acts of Green are happening across the planet. From students in classrooms to organizers in their communities to officials in government there are ways for anyone of any background to make a difference. Start small and go big — or start big and stay big. Either way, keep coming back, keep taking action and join the movement to change the world. Add your act, watch the Billions grow, and join the movement to change the world. 

    Live Cams of an elephant park, coral city, burrowing owl, etc. - https://www.awildconnection.com/live-wildlife-cams/

    Dream in Green - Green Schools Challenge logoDream in Green - https://dreamingreen.org/green-schools-challenge/ The Green Schools Challenge (GSC), is a whole-system approach to water, energy, and resource efficiency specific for elementary, middle, and high schools and offers teacher training on how to implement lessons.  The program engages students in hands-on, educational activities that save water and energy, as well as exposes the school community to the links between our natural resources, climate change, and community sustainability. The GSC provides a curriculum that builds upon required STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) materials to address sustainability topics and provides grants for schools to implement environmental initiatives at their school.

    Everglades Foundation - https://evergladesfoundation.org/ Everglades

    Everglades Literacy - https://www.evergladesliteracy.org 

    Everglades National Park -

    1. Everglades Education Curriculum Materials (Google Drive)

    This is a link to our Google Drive with different curriculum materials. There are multiple guides listed by grade level K-8. Feel free to use what works best for you and your students. 

    1. Everglades Mountains and Valleys Video Series

    Our Everglades Mountains and Valleys video series as a great introduction to different habitats that make up the Everglades ecosystem. Keep in mind this was designed for upper elementary and middle school students.

    1. Everglades Education For Kids

    Younger students might benefit from this section of our website for kids.

    1. Science, Research, History, and Culture

    The Science, Research, History, and Culture sections of our website may be useful to older students and adults.

    1. Life in the Everglades (Common Plant and Animal ID Guide)

    Our Life in the Everglades ID Guide will help your students identify the common flora and fauna of the freshwater slough and sawgrass prairie habitats.

    Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens Challenges: 

    Florida Ag in the Classroom Florida Agriculture in the Classroom - https://faitc.org/  

    Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. (FAITC) is a non-profit organization that provides educational resources, grants, and other programs to help Pre-K through 12th-grade educators incorporate agricultural concepts into their core subject area classes. The goal of FAITC is to expand youth awareness and understanding of Florida agriculture and natural resources by integrating agricultural concepts into core educational disciplines and supporting programs.

    Gopher Tortoise Day - Gopher Tortoise Day website

    Green School Yards America - http://www.greenschoolyards.org/news/2020/3/20/bringing-schoolyard-outdoor-learning-home

    Seek app by iNaturalist - https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app 

    Take your nature knowledge up a notch with Seek! Use the power of image recognition technology to identify the plants and animals all around you. Earn badges for seeing different types of birds, amphibians, plants, and fungi and participate in monthly observation challenges with Our Planet on Netflix.

    iNaturalist - https://www.inaturalist.org/

    iNaturalist.org is a place where you can record what you see in nature, meet other nature lovers, and learn about the natural world. It is also a crowdsourced species identification system and an organism occurrence recording tool. You can use it to record your own observations, get help with identifications, collaborate with others to collect this kind of information for a common purpose or access the observational data collected by iNaturalist users.

    Merlin Bird ID app - Free bird identification app - https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/

    Free, instant bird ID help for 5,500+ birds for North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

    NWF logo National Wildlife Federation (for Kids and Families)

    National Wildlife Federation - When families connect with the outdoors, they're doing more than strengthening bonds with one another—they're forming lasting bonds with our natural world. Through products, programs, and other experiences, the National Wildlife Federation creates ways for kids and families to experience nature and become empowered stewards of our environment. 

    Ranger Rick for Kids

    Packed with awesome animal facts, stories, and photos, comic adventures; wildlife puzzles, riddles, contests, and crafts. Plus, outdoor discoveries that focus on many animals perfect for ages 0-12

    Native Plant Search - https://www.regionalconservation.org/beta/nfyn/default.asp

    Nutrients for Life - https://nutrientsforlife.org/for-teachers/elessons/

    The Nutrients for Life Foundation is a global organization consisting of members and collaborative partners that develops and distributes science-based materials to improve plant nutrient literacy, soil health knowledge and promotes fertilizer’s role in sustaining a growing population. Plant nutrients, especially nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, are also required to keep our parks, gardens, playgrounds, sports fields and golf courses green and healthy in communities from coast to coast.

    SciStarter SciStarter - SciStarter LTI is now available in Canvas. You can assign SciStarter/Citizen Science projects to your students and track their progress. 

    Additional projects can be found at SciStarter- https://scistarter.org/   
    SciStarter is the place to find, join, and contribute to science through providing people access to more than 2700 searchable formal and informal research projects and events.  But more than just a project directory, SciStarter also offers a coordinated place to record contributions and access the tools and instruments needed to participate in citizen science projects like Earth Challenge 2023.  

    South Florida’s Delaney Reynolds is featured in the new Earth Day April issue of National Geographic – Congrats to this young superstar for climate change! https://mailchi.mp/5594a6460c7d/v9vg6bg1df?e=f20e8cbf03

    Sunflower Growing Resources -  

    Growing Guide: Sunflowers

    How to Grow Sunflowers with Kids

    Water Conservation and Water Whiz - videos, classroom materials, coloring books

    From EPA WaterSense: https://www.epa.gov/watersense/watersense-kids#tab-4

  • STEAM Resources

    STEAM Mystery Bag and Coding and Robotic STEM Challenges K-12

  • Fabulous Events that the STEM+Computer Science Staff Presented and Provided Resources

    Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF

    Join our Yammer Groups and keep up to date info that we send out: 
    Environmental Stewards - Broward Schools

    Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) (January 17, 2020):
    Hands On STEAM Application of Computer Science
    Lead Presenter: Rebecca Malones
    Co-Presenter: Sheryl Arriola
    2020 Makey Makey Activities Links
    Makey Makey Interactive Board Activities

    Florida League of Middle School (October 18, 2019): 

    PBL Portal - Solving Authentic Problems in Middle Grades and Green PBL Opportunities, Recognition and Rewards

    Presenters: Sheryl Arriola, Rebecca Malones, Cindy Griffin
    Presentation: STEM + CS PBL Environmental Presentation
    2019 Broward PBL Portal SciStater one pager rev 05102019.pdf
    2019 Environmental PBL Resources.pdf
    2019 Projects on Broward Portal.pdf

    Redefining the Block: Minecraft in the Curriculum
    Presenters: Erik Leitner, Belinda Beckford
    Presentation: education.minecraft.net
    Handout: https://browardschools.instructure.com/courses/123/pages/minecraft-education-edition

    2019 Gifted Symposium (September 26, 2019)

    Handouts: Minecraft Info and Lever with Linkage Activity; Minecraft Info and Simple Lever ActivitySeed Dispersal Engineering Design Project

    JDETF Presentation (April 6, 2019) - Empower Your Content with STEM & Computer Science
    Presenters: Erik Leitner, Sheryl Arriola, and Rebecca Malones
    Handout: JDETF Handout (STEM+CS Integration)
    Micro:bit in Makerspace presentation: bit.ly/microbitsway
    Makey Makey Presentation
    Presenter Information

    2018 Gifted Symposium
     (Nov. 2, 2018) -
    "Empower your Content with STEM & Computer Science"  - Lisa Milenkovic, Sheryl Arriola, Debra Thomas, Annmargareth Marousky, Cynthia Griffin, Erik Leitner, Rebecca Malones, Justin Feller – Applied Learning – All Levels, SCI, STEM - STEM, especially computer science, is integrated throughout every aspect of daily life, yet often, in isolation in the school day. Engage students and empower your lessons by integrating STEM and computer science into all content areas. This presentation will provide hands-on centers that demGifted Participants onstrate simple and inexpensive ways to engage and enrich students in content through explorations in STEM and computer science. Explore augmented reality, computer coding, robotics, and sensory integration in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music and physical education. Also included are tips for deliberate attention to empathy and social-emotional learning opportunities through the integration of design principles.  Participants at the Gifted Symposium are shown on the right playing with the banana piano and cereal box guitar with Makey Makey.

Contact Information

  • Applied Learning

    600 SE Third Avenue

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-1878

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    Susan M. Cantrick


Broward STEM + Computer Science Curriculum Supervisor