Broward Youth Climate Summit Homepage

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    Broward Youth Climate Summit logo

    2025 - 7th Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit
    February 7, 2025 - Pompano Beach High School

    2025 Climate Superheroes logoThe annual Broward Youth Climate Summit provides a platform for Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) students in grades 5-12 to engage in climate solutions, learn about professional careers related to climate change, advocate for policy change, and promote environmental sustainability. The theme for this year is Climate Superhero. Students will research a climate related issue that's important to their school or community and create an infographic based on their findings to bring to the summit. They will then be climate superheroes by researching solutions to the issues via what they learn from the summit or on their own, with the ultimate goal of creating a media campaign. 

    See past summit pictures, programs, and speakers below.

  • Previous Summits and Picture Galleries

    Click here to see summaries of the previous Broward Youth Climate Summits and picture galleries through the years

    Youth Climate Summit picture collage

  • Summit Application and Requirements

    The Broward Youth Climate Summit is open to all traditional public Broward County Public School students in grades 5-12. 

    What: Seventh Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit
    When: February 7, 2025 (9AM-1PM)
    Where: Pompano Beach High School

    Transportation and lunch provided for attendees

    Application: Grades 5-12 BCPS Teachers, apply by October 21, 2025
    (you must be logged into your Clever single sign on to access the form)

    Participant Requirements: 1) Know the difference between weather and climate (via the Canvas course), 2) Per class, attendees will research a climate related issue that's important to their school or community and create an infographic based on their findings to bring to the summit. They can become climate superheroes by researching possible solutions to their issues from what they learn from the summit or on their own, and 3) the ultimate goal is to create a media campaign of their issues and possible solutions. Details coming soon.

  • Student Projects

    Forecasting the Future logo2023-24 Posters - Students are to "Forecast the Future" of green technology by researching an existing green technology, then developing a new green tech or improving the existing green tech to solve environmental challenges of the future, and bringing a poster of their findings to the summit. 

    I Am the Change logo2022-23 Poster or Banner - February 10, 2023 - Theme: I Am the Change: Connect, Commit, Act!  Students are to create a poster or recycled banner that shows how they can connect, commit, and act to be the voice of climate change and bring their poster or banner to the summit.

  • Resources


  • Summit Sponsors and Sponsorship Opportunities

    2024 Fifth Broward Youth Climate Summit

    Thank you to all of our generous sponsors of this year's summit: The CLEO Institute, Guy Harvey Foundation, NWF, Young at Art Museum, Museum of Discovery and Science.

    2023 Fifth Broward Youth Climate Summit

    Thank you to all of our generous sponsors that made the Fifth Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit a  success!YCS sponsor Coke Florida 2023 YCS sponsors CLEO and NWF 2023 YCS climate supporters

    2021 Broward Youth Climate Summit Sponsors

    NWF logo Wells Fargo logo      The CLEO Institute logo

    2021 Broward Youth Climate Summit

    Thank you to the following sponsors for your support of this year's summit!

    Jet Blue logo                Wells Fargo logo    NWF logo     SFWMD logo

    2020 Second Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit

    Second Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit Sponsors:  Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support!

    Climate Champion Sponsor Wells Fargo   2020 Climate Advocate Sponsors  2020 Partner Sponsors   2020 Exhibitors

    Thank you to all of our 2018-19 generous sponsors for making this event a successful one.

    Wells Fargo logo     Publix NWF logos    Carollo E Engineering logos   AECOM FAU logos    Exhibitors and Climate Friends

  • Broward Youth Climate Task Force

    Third Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit (2020-21) - The Broward Youth Climate Task Force was created to provide Broward County Public School students a voice for promoting environmental sustainability and contributing to the updated 2020-25 Broward County Climate Action Plan. This group researched their issues, met with Commissioner Beam Furr, and sent out tweets to further explore ways of informing the public and solving plastic pollution and climate gentrification.

    The main issues the task force targeted were:

      1. Plastic Pollution/Recycling - Plastic pollution is harmful to the animals and the environment.  Most plastic straws are not biodegradable and cannot be broken down naturally by bacteria and other decomposers into non-toxic materials. Most plastic straws simply break into ever-smaller particles, releasing chemicals into the soil, air, and water that are harmful to animals, plants, people, and the environment. How can we encourage businesses and the general population to reduce or eliminate the use of single-use plastic such as plastic straws? We should also address the recycling (or lack of) of plastics in Broward County.  

      2. Climate Gentrificationa relatively new term describing what happens when neighborhoods traditionally overlooked by wealthy people become more attractive—and expensive—given their siting in geographic areas that happen to be more resilient to climate-related threats such as stronger, more frequent hurricanes and rising sea levels. How is this affecting Broward County?

    Resources on the above issues: constantly updated


    Alvin Alvin V. - Junior, Miramar High School
    "I joined this initiative to bring awareness to the many environmental disruptions that exist in our community".

    Emily Emily V. - Senior, Coral Springs High School 
    "I joined the Youth Climate Task Force because I am passionate about climate justice and advocating for equitable solutions!" 


    Krisztina Krisztina T. - Beachside Montessori 
    "I have always been passionate about nature and our part in taking care of Earth. Being involved in the Youth Climate Summit is a very exciting experience, and I hope that we can bring awareness and change to some of the most pressing climate issues."

    Khushi Khushi D. - Deerfield Beach HS
    "I want my voice as a youth to be heard to make a positive and long lasting impact on the world"

    Shrishon Shrishon K. - Sophomore, Miramar High School
    “I love science and care for the environment, striving to fix the diverse climate problems one bottle at a time!”

    Zoe B. - Senior, Stoneman Douglas High School
    "I joined the youth climate change task force because I am passionate about doing my part to fix the environment before the damage is irreversible. I am so excited to be a part of this group and do my part while I’m still in high school."Zoe

  • Rising Waters Art Project at BCPS

    Broward County Public Schools, through its Applied Learning Department, is pburlap lines that show possible flood levelsartnering with Rising Waters to showcase unique art installations at 18 schools throughout the District and the District office. Rising Waters is a conceptual art project that raises awareness about the impact of climate change to local communities by highlighting future possible flood levels resulting from sea-level rise and storm conditions. The colorful installation artwork provides a visual representation of the potential future by highlighting water at ankle, knee, hip, or eye level.

    In addition to installing the sea-level rise artwork, students are also placing hand-made fish flags on campus with their action step for helping mitigate the impact of climate change.

    See the entire project at

  • Youth Climate Summit Artwork Contest

    2022 4th Annual Youth Climate Summit Artwork Winners

    2022 Youth Climate Summit winners

    2021 3rd Annual Youth Climate Summit Artwork winner

    Rem Crespo, Cypress Bay High School

    Rem Crespo artwork winner

    2021 2nd Annual Youth Climate Summit Artwork winner

    Amanda Moran, Cypress Bay High School

    Amanda Moran artwork

  • Summit Mission and Committee


    To convene, engage, connect, and empower young people for action on climate change in South Florida through the Youth Climate Summit and other leadership opportunities, and to create a climate literate generation who:  

    • Understands the essential principles of climate science
    • Communicates about climate and climate change in a meaningful way
    • Makes informed and responsible decisions with regard to actions that may affect climate
    • Takes action on promoting and implementing climate change adaptation and resilience measures in their homes, schools, and communities

    2023-24 Broward Youth Climate Summit Committee:

    BCPS Applied Learning Department

    Broward County Natural Resources Division

  • Youth Climate Summit photo collage

Contact Information

  • Applied Learning

    600 SE Third Avenue

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-1878

    Fax: --

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Susan M. Cantrick


Broward STEM + Computer Science Curriculum Supervisor