- Broward County Public Schools
- Violence Prevention
- Dating Violence Prevention
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Dating Violence Prevention
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Relational violence is a major social problem that touches the lives of men, women, and children of all social, economic, and racial backgrounds. BCPS combats dating violence and promotes healthy relationships by using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Click the icons to access a few of these specific bullying prevention resources and the BCPS List of Dating Violence Prevention Curriculum and Programs.
Content Accordion
Dating Violence Policy 5010
The School Board of Broward County, Florida, (SBBC) is committed to protecting its students from dating violence and/or abuse by students. Consistent with the intent and requirements of Section 1006.148, Florida Statutes, SBBC upholds dating violence and/or abuse will not be tolerated and shall be grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with SBBC’s Dating Violence Policy 5010. Read Policy 5010, SBBC Policy against Dating Violence or Abuse to learn more. Once received, dating violence investigations follow the Policy 5010 Investigation Flow Chart.
Students and staff in grades 6-12 receive Annual dating violence training modules to help ensure prevention curriculum is in place to build a culture of health, wellness, safety, respect and excellence. We encourage schools to utilize the research based curriculum Safe Dates, Dating Matters, and Get Real About Violence or one of the other on the BCPS List of Approved Dating Violence Prevention Curriculum and Programs. For more information, go to our curriculum webpage.
Dating Violence Policy 5010:
Reporting Dating Abuse
You can report suspected or witnessed student on student dating abuse multiple ways:
- Report anonymously using the SIU’s Anonymous Reporting online, or
- Tell your school’s administrative staff.
Are you a SBBC staff member receiving a report and want to know what to do? Follow the SBBC reporting procedures flow chart along with all relevant policies and threat assessment procedures.
Resources & Links
Please Note: Any program or website being mentioned here does not imply endorsement by the School Board of Broward County and does not necessarily reflect its views. Please contact the programs directly for the most current information.
Building Safe Schools – A Resource Guide for School Employees
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, look for Dating Matters – This 60-minute, interactive training is designed to help educators, youth-serving organizations, and others working with teens to understand the risk factors and warning signs associated with teen dating violence.
First Call for Help, 211 Broward: A 24-hour, free, confidential telephone Helpline for crisis/suicide counseling, empathetic listening, and community information and referrals for health and human services in Broward County. Just Dial 2-1-1 or (954) 537-0211 or access the directory online.
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 1-866-331-9474/1-866-331-8453
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Presidential Proclamation: presidential-proclamation-national-teen-dating-violence-awareness-and-pr February
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Teen Resources: www.teendvmonth.org February
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-800-442-HOPE (4673)
OneLove Education Center: Contains resources on healthy relationship education, such as toolkits, lesson plans, PowerPoints, trainings, and more.
Switchboard of Miami, (305) 358-HELP (4357)
Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month: a national effort to raise awareness about abuse in teen and 20-something relationships during the month of February.
Teen Dating Violence Resources During COVID-19
Teen Health, The Nemours Foundation
Women In Distress of Broward County– Broward Hotline 954-761-1133; Provides victims of domestic violence with safe shelter, crisis intervention and resources, and educates the community in order to Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) through Intervention, Education and Advocacy.
Data & Surveys
There are numerous data sources that can provide you more information on this topic – just go to our Data & Surveys page.