Choose Peace/Stop Violence

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    Choose Peace Stop ViolenceChoose Peace/Stop Violence is both an annual observance and a comprehensive three-year initiative to educate, engage and empower youth to take action to prevent bullying and youth violence, foster social justice awareness, create safe and violence-free environments, as well as improve school climate and academic performance. Both use research-based Positive Community Norms marketing that focuses on creating safe and violence free environments where peace and inclusivity are celebrated.

    This year's Choose Peace Week dates are September 20-27, 2024.  This year's theme is Cultivating a Culture of Peace.  Choose Peace Across Broward Day is Friday, September 20.  On this day, wear WHITE to represent peace, unity, hope and love for each other.  Access resources and learn how to celebrate in the drop downs below. Register here or use the QR code below to register for Choose Peace Week activities that will cultivate a culture of peace in our schools and communities. "Prevention is a process of proactively fostering and sustaining positive cultures", (Dr. Linkenback, 2011). View the 2023-24 School Board of Broward County Resolution for Choose Peace/Stop Violence Week and Choose Peace Across Broward Day


    2024 Choose Peace Week Registration Code